When you are eating some slamming ass pussy and she quivers and bucks at the same time causing a sudden burst of air to push out through a tight vagina. Similar to a queef but like when some migrant workers whistle to get someone's attention.
"Dude!.. I was eating this girl out last night and she came so hard and gave me that Mexican whistle!"
by Thunderdog77 March 3, 2021
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when a mexican roofdog bites onto a powerline too close to a building.
anAverageWendigo: You should see mexico, there's also dogs on the roof and they're so close that they could bite the power lines

wunderbraten: Mexican Hot Dogs?

zilldido: yeah dude...a mexican hot dog.
by OGpoopdealer July 3, 2021
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A Mexican quarter is when there is a hole in the bottom of a man's trouser pocket. Through this hole the man can access the head of his penis. Upon request the man can show his Mexican quarter out of his trouser pocket.
Tom, can I borrow a dollar? No, but you can have this Mexican quarter Larry. Tom, what is a Mexican quarter? Tom then proceeds to present his Mexican quarter to Larry.
by Dr. Ivan Holloway December 7, 2016
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A group of very large, fat Hispanic dudes participating in a circle jerk.
"I heard he was in a Mexican Thunderbasket on Saturday, we should hit him up and ask about getting involved."
by sarahmcmillions February 15, 2019
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A mexican who's from the rural parts of Mexico tends to dress in cowboy boots and sombreros not to be confused with a redneck cowboy as the styles differ typically listen to banda and corridos and drive SUVs or trucks
Damn that cowboy mexican guys got a nice truck than hill Billy bob
by Emilio ortiz July 26, 2018
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When you jerk off repeatedly and cover the floor with cum then run a one man train on 8 ugly Mexican chicks strapped together while they slip and slide around the cum.
Andy: "Man why are you all wet?"

Enrique: "Shit I was running a Mexican Dogsled on those bitches from the club last night"
by DirtyJalapeno April 20, 2011
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A less known term refering to a pelican.

Southern California Fishing Slang
There goes the Mexican Airforce.
The Mexican Airforce always try to eat the plastic bait.
by Lv5 Bread September 3, 2018
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