A game in which the objective is to have a continuous flow of made up words.
It must always start with 'Hee Hong Patong' and there must be no hesitation or repetition. A few Real words are allowed... HONG KONG MONG DONG EYE WHY.
"Hee Hong Patong eye why pikkai shong mong patong..."
by Young Team September 18, 2006
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Sam Hong kings will have to get together to fight Godzilla later
by Bambi barrister July 29, 2022
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engineer by day, gamer by night. Loves to play sports too
Lee Aik Hong Marcus
by mlahhh March 16, 2023
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You"You are such a Hong Di Wang"
Person"What have I done to deserve this kind of insult???? :("
by xXPu55y514y3r6969Xx April 13, 2016
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A big jerk who would blame his water bottle if he were to choke on his drink. Always makes up lies to fit in and is usually rejected by society. Is unloved by their family and needs vape to survive in this cruel world. Very terrible person. A bearer of this name is usually an annoying person in general.
John: Yeah, I own a mansion in Australia!
Harry: C'mon man, don't be such a Chee Hong
by a-death-to-wish November 24, 2021
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