That's a nice pea shotter u got there.
by Lil Viet Kidd November 9, 2003
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Ted: should we go to that house warming party tonight?
Alexis: honey pea.
by mani_moee September 14, 2021
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peas and chips is another way of saying please
could we go to the shops, please, peas and chips
by snarly August 9, 2008
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The viridescent spheroid object consumed in a large quantity, specifically an amount substantial enough to suffuse the surface area of a rectangular platter, by a youthful female Homosapien by means of a brief moment of faceplanting onto the mentioned rectangular platter and fluctuation of the forelimbs.
Please give me-- a whole tray of -- PEAS
Thank you

google it
by udontknowmeidontknowu April 28, 2021
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