When someone fingers a dirty asshole then immediately packs a lip of chewing tobacco with the same hand.
I pack my double decker horseshoes like any free American should, Ass to Pouch.
by 104206901 March 15, 2021
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An optional large rectangular side pouch usually worn on the duty belt of a police officer. If you wear this pouch you are a wanker.
Oh my god john is wearing the wankers pouch he must be a wanker
by thenameisname June 19, 2020
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the pouch a woman's crotch makes when pants are worn way too tightly. Also Resembling a kangaroo's pouch.
(Similar to a camel toe)
Did you see sophie the other day? She had a major vagia pouch.
by VagiaQueen101 May 4, 2010
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A females/womans bra for containing breats.
Look at that girls red lacey sprout pouch
by Hovel January 4, 2007
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A pouch in which counts hide their things.
Example: " hey you got any weed in your cunt pouch?"
by Sheenabitch January 28, 2016
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An individual that can sniff out a pouch within 5km radius, usually between the hours of 6-7am
E.g. Christian 'Ricky Bobby' abandoned his fellow colleagues after picking up the fresh scent of a pouch.
"Christian the Pouch sniffer is using his Ricky Bobby eyes to get a sniff"
by Danskii October 28, 2021
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An individual that can sniff out a pouch ( woman's vagina) within a 2 kilometre radius.
Damn, Ricky Bobby the "pouch sniffer" has run off as he sniffed out that pouch again!!
by Stink bomber November 9, 2021
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