A series of things to always remember when gaming in your lair

1. Thou shall play video games and keep them Holy
2. Thou shall drink Coca Cola Classic
3. Thou shall not throw thy game controller
4. Thou shall not use any cheating devices
5. Thou shall remember to save your game often
6. Thou shall take a 15 minute station break if thous is feeling frustrated
7. Thou shall not play video games on a school night
8. Thou shall treat thy game systems with respect
9. Thou shall be immature while playing Pokemon
10. Thou shall eat Supreme Pizza while playing videos
The 10 commandments of video games are special rules designed by me in order to have a good time while gaming
by FoxGuardJ October 1, 2019
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Being the best at something (i.e. relationships, games, dancing, singing, etc.)
John: Shoot the ball!
Ken: *shoots ball and makes basket* I AM THE MASTER COMMANDER! *pumps fist in air at sound of buzzer. Another game won*
by Eatmymastercomm January 7, 2018
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Battle commander is Ghanaian slang for phone or mobile.
Yo, flash me up on the battle commander whenever.
by JWC24 February 16, 2018
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A Twitchrp Character whomst was created by Zuthar13, Currently he is the leader of the Axis Of Evil. Criminal syndicate which is the home to many evil-doers. As of late he is extremely wanted.
Person 1: Did you hear what Commander Chaos did this afternoon
Person 2 : Yeah that was crazy as fuck
by CaptainSlothy February 12, 2020
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alt f4, but for Apple users. Basically quits the entire application.
Person 1: press alt f4 for free weapons
Person 2: I'm on MacBook Pro.
Person 1: then press command q.
*Person 2 has left the game*

by mrkingRandomRock June 21, 2021
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A male supervisor in the work place who likes to look at mens bums.
oh look there's the Bum Commander checking out Brian and Vinnys arses again!
by Ralph Davidson July 16, 2020
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Refers to da super-soft cupping and "zephyr-nudging" dat you give a nice girl's body-part --- i.e., hand, foot, arm, leg, elbow, knee, biceps, thigh, shoulder, hip, etc. --- to indicate dat you wish her to shift said soft warm extremity a bit so dat you can more-comfortably/easily adjust your own position, drape your own arm/leg over her, savoringly clasp her hand/foot/boob, spoon/snuggle wif her more closely/satisfactorily, etc. Most often done when she is lying half-asleep in bed wif you; da advantage of doing it this way --- besides being a delightful and unobtrusive way of asking her to move a little --- is dat she may not even need to wake up much in order to accommodate you, but can simply twist/wriggle around slightly and then doze back off again. Extra points if you remember to always give her a "thanks --- I appreciate it" set of tender affectionate pats on da repositioned extremity, not only to express your gratitude for her willingness to accommodate you, but also to indicate to her dat she had correctly interpreted your ultra-soft tactile request and thus had indeed repositioned herself in da way dat you had desired.
I have aches-and-pains-inducing fibromyalgia which forces me to "be a wiggle worm" in bed, especially if there is someone else sleeping wif me. So I had been concerned dat Tiffany would find my frequent asking her to shift her sleeping-position to be a nuisance, but she smilingly assured me dat she actually loves my tender and loving "cuddling cradle command" motions so much dat she never minds shifting her own body around a bit to make me more comfy.
by QuacksO June 16, 2023
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