The art of being under the influence, in a complete state but still having the ability to eat the brows off ones self whilst eating the table.
Jesus look at the state if yer man over there, he is totality Boppered.
by Boycies Da May 6, 2021
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a tall thing that has lots of pretty lights that changes colors. party boppers are usually found a lot in florida. they are my favorite.😍😍
did u see those hot party boppers
by party bopper queen December 4, 2018
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A thot or hoe who sucks a lot of dick and plays with men
by Yomomma8 April 12, 2019
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An infatuation with a teenie bopper or teeny bopper, a female minor, or anyone at less than or equal to half of your own age. The opposite of a cougar crush.
Thad: Hey Lance, why weren't you at the bars last night?

Lance: Oh, I was just surfing the internet for new pics of Miley Cyrus.

Thad: Is she your new bopper crush?
by FatPointScheme October 26, 2009
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Someone that has a new group of friends every new year. Will do anything to fit in and look popular for social acceptance. Desperately wants companionship. Friendships only last a year tops because their true desperate self finally shows through and people run for the hills. Has no real friends. Doesn't know how to be themselves around others so he/she will put on an act. A fake, a scammer, a coward.
Ciaras new bestfriend on instagram? Didnt they hate eachother 2 years ago..?
Ya shes a friend bopper.

Didn't that girl hang out with Ashley and Samantha like 24/7 last summer?
Ya she did, I heard they cut her once they found out she was a fakebitch.

Lol ya, now shes back to being best friends with girls she beefed in highschool, what a friend bopper!
by Aintshiz April 23, 2017
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