Something that is present or happening that you are aware of but that you can't (or choose not) to touch or be involved with.
I told the homeowner that her leaky faucet was behind the glass as a carpetenter. She should call a plumber.
by April1865 April 12, 2023
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When a woman turns on a man but the man has to poop and it's pushing up against his reproductive organs and makes the woman have to poop and then the woman has a spasm
Like literally seventeen inch log and soda behind it
Twords poop pushing up against reproductive organs, and causing spasms of behavior, that can lead to prosecution
by Zachary O'Donnell September 28, 2023
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Listen Johnny, I know you have some thing weighing on your mind right now, just stop beating off behind the bush and say it.
by July 25, 2021
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A way of thanking someone for always being there for them when they are in a time of need
Seven letters behind you 😊
by TheChadMan69420 December 3, 2020
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I hidden place kids often refer to as “behind the movies” 😝😝
Boy: “Hey do you want to ditch this movie and go behind the movie theater 😏”
Girl: “Okay! 😛😀”
Together: “This is so amazing 🤩”
by Chloebrown.08 March 24, 2022
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