big ASS that will you COOM

Sayed is a chad that can say nigga in front of a blm protest and get away with it! He's the gayest on the block and doesn't like gay indian niggas.
Obama: is that ma nigga sayed?????
Sayed ahmed: দুবাই পরিপূর্ণ
by Kill_all_Gachas2020 September 12, 2021
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Yassin Ahmed is the prince of light skins. He’s a humble guy who has to reject 10 baddies per day. Has you questioning his sexuality ong yo.
Yo is that Yassin Ahmed receiving another confession de mandem is booked with da baddies. When all de mandem grow up they all finna look up to Yassin Abdurahman Ahmed.
by Simplebomber911 March 17, 2022
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the best person ever. he’s a bit loud and can be annoying but has a massive heart and only has your best intentions in mind. usually comes up with dark, complex plans that have good outcomes. a true anti-hero and a perfect man. he’s also praised for his rugged good lucks. he is however a massive heart throb and a huge simp. don’t be surprised if he steals you girl ;)
“Yusuf Ahmed has such an odd personality but i love him
by Queen Of Thorns February 10, 2022
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He is a very clever person and everyone likes him. He also is a very tall and strong boy and he gets all the girls. He is very famous and is the best footballer ever seen
Wow look at Ahmed Patel
by Ahmed Patel fanboy May 22, 2022
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