it is a religion that says the universe is a science project made by a group of intelligent beings, and our universe is kept in one of their high school lockers. it was created by an immature boy who wanted to piss of a christian.
i follow the religion of lockerism and if you dont follow it to our overlords will strike you down.
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The area below the stomach and above the groin on a woman where future queefs are stored.
by JerBear 1977 June 14, 2018
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a locker is basically a fucking box that has a lock and you can hide drugs and shit in it
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Its where three or more guys do a chain of anal sex while doing a reach around
Hey do you want to meet later for a locker room highway
by Madhatter 381 September 28, 2019
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The place where the one and only “hell hound” aka stella el claymore nashers lives ‘turn hellhound
“Gettim stella


“Me cat got picked apart bone by bone by me naybour lad”

“Al send you to daveys locker
by LilSkidsburg October 30, 2023
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When you make bootleg pickles in your locker.
“Yo, my mom packed cucumbers again”
“We finna make locker pickles!!!!”
by MintyST April 9, 2019
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