Residing in or around a womb. A baby. Fetal tissue.

Womb – respects the rights of a woman’s body

Ling- recognizes that the baby/fetal tissue is a resident of the womb

Wombling was created in 2002 by Dan Dodge to help people talk about the issue of abortion with an “issue neutral” word. Pro-choice advocates may not want to refer to the word “baby” and Pro-life advocates may not wish to use the term “fetal tissue.”

There is nothing more embarrassing then telling a woman that you are excited about her baby, to only have her respond, “Well actually, I would prefer it if you call it fetal tissue, because I don’t intend to give birth.”
Example: Did you hear that Jenny got herself a wombling? I don’t think she plans to keep it long. OR did you hear that Maria has a wombling? She can’t wait to go shopping for clothes and toys.
by DanDodge March 27, 2008
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n.1. A fictional, long-nosed, litter collecting inhabitant of Wimbledon Common
2. A spastic on a bicycle
1. Remember you're a womble Uncle Bulgaria
2. Hahaha! Womble!!!
by clayton July 23, 2003
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Those strange, furry things that Grungey likes
by Lobie April 6, 2003
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a word commonly used to refer to a protestant
that would support the uda
who do you support
the u.d.a
u womble
by hern September 3, 2007
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to womble or to go wombling is to do something aimlessly, not aiming for anything in particular, and not being stressed when you realise you havent acchived anything.
to womble or to go wombling is to do something aimlessly, not aiming for anything in particular, and not being stressed when you realise you havent acchived anything.
for example, one can womble around online, checkling myspace and facebook and not really having an aim. one can also say,

"i wombled around online for an hour"

"i spent the day wombling round the house, not doing a lot"
by Rachael Peck January 23, 2008
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A furry herbivore, the most awesome creature to dwell this planet
by Nel3211 March 30, 2012
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I heard Marquis wombled his chance to smash Jessica.. fucking typical
by FuckAcuck June 16, 2017
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