when you take the ball sacks skin and squeeze it together in your hand to make it wrinkly like a "walnut"
you-josh come here and help me with my computer
josh-ok what tha fuck
you-got cha with the walnut!
by austin w. August 13, 2007
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A Walnut is a cunt who is just a cunt and will say cunty things because hes a cunt
*your doing there own thing*
*Walnut enters room and flip table and throws your stuff on the floor*
Walnut: *autistic Screeching*
John: Fuck off Walnut
by Antiseve November 8, 2017
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Jeff: Man I just had the most satisfying Walnut, in the home décor department.

Blake: Dude, wtf?
by 5nak November 17, 2018
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The buldge in a woman's pants. Often seen when a unshaven woman wears a bathing suit.
person one: "That girl looks good in a Bikini"
person two: "yeah, but did you see her walnut?"
by mthomas1776 October 11, 2007
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A Walnut is a term used to mean an absolutely stunning girl reputed to be great in bed. A Walnut is usually spotted by her fantastic looks and long flowing hair.
"Wow! Did you see her?"
"Yes I had her last night! Definitely a Walnut!"
by Joe Ginge January 12, 2009
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dilated veins hanging out of your turd hole that hurt real bad. hemorrhoids.
"Man, I gotta sit on this frikkin' donut thing cuz these walnuts are hangin' out my ass."
by corn master October 3, 2002
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