A variable-frequency drive (VFD, or adjustable-frequency drives, adjustable-speed drives, variable-speed drives, AC drives, micro drives, inverter drives, or drives) is a type of AC motor drive (system incorporating a motor) that controls speed and torque by varying the frequency of the input electricity. Depending on its topology, it controls the associated voltage or current variation.
by Munshi Man October 31, 2023
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An asset whose variable value is dependent on the purpose for which it is being requested is known as a Variable Value Asset.
Donald Trumps defense in the New York fraud trial is that all valuations previously given are true, using the Variable Value Asset method of accounting.
by BobUpp November 7, 2023
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Making it (god) yahwey right for non assimilation too confusing to explain simultaneous gods that go and come at same time to host lottery winnings.
Hosting at the time after 00 but before and after rebelling the fun switcheroo kangeroo boomerang to matchmatical logic of making it wrong to be write right rite true. The variable change swap between host of people animals plurality and verbose 0.1. Or more behind a given one object. Same denomination or denominator cannot explain increase percentage unless 200 or 50 percent is acheivable outcomr for valuing a car or goat. Extra 50%\33% is 66% or 33% increase from 33%. Difference of two 100 percent outcomes subdivides your split generation into half as much.
by What 454545 flys gals water October 16, 2022
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A variable that you use throughout a code without printing it.
arr = input('Enter your array: ');
r,c = size(arr);
for j = 1:c

sum = 0;

for i = 1:r

sum = sum + arr(i,j);


arr2(j) = sum;

Oh man, that "sum" variable is a whore variable!
by Moumen_El_Gamed October 24, 2018
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The fact that different random samples of the same size from the same population produce different estimates.
As we study sampling variability, which do you suspect varies less: averages or individual values?
by 3d5jllppgaydunerboogers December 5, 2021
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Variables that occur when the two explanatory variables , x and z, have a collective causation effect on y. The difference between the two cannot be distinguished because there is not enough evidence to determine the validity of a statistical relationship.
Weight gain is greatly influenced by activity level, but age, the confounding variable, also plays an influential role on weight gain.
by YolandaSquatbike December 9, 2021
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the act of focusing on an appealing portion of a person's body with a general disregard for the undesirable regions
Steve: Could you isolate the variable on that?
John: You know it. She's huge, but those are some mighty fine sweater cows.

Bill: You see that?!?!
James: You serious? She's hideous.
Bill: C'mon you gotta isolate the variable.
James: You right. She needs to turn back around though.
by tmack41 June 10, 2011
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