To touch a girl's breasts(upstairs) but on the outside of the shirt(outsidies)
*Guy rubs hands on girls boobs while making out*

Girl: Wow, this is great upstairs outsidies.

Guy: Hell yea.
by Djsteelerz October 26, 2008
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a private personal paradise - coolness, quiet and still, soft light coming in from the skylight, a happy plant in the corner, helpful therapists nearby (optional)
Even when work is satisfying, it's always good to retreat to an upstairs lounge to refocus, rebalance, or jill off.
by surfntnr February 1, 2011
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a judgmental guy who watches everything I do, can hear everything I say and if I don't give him ten percent of my paycheck every month he'll kick me out.
Tim: Sally I can't have sex with you it will upset the man upstairs.
Sally: wow, Tim I didn't know you were so religious.
Tim: I'm not, I just mean that My landlord Frank is really old fashioned and he might not let me renew my lease.
by Colte the Pirate January 11, 2007
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When you take the top of a toilet off and shit in the water. Then every time someone flushes there will be shit particles in the bowl.
I don't understand! No matter how many times I flush, there's always shit in here! Oh! There's an upstairs tenant! Damn that's nasty.
by B. Hindman August 5, 2008
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Feeling a female (or your best friends sisters) breast inside her shirt or when shes topless
Yo! You know my friend malakie? Me and his sister did upstairs insideies
by VRYNJOEKING January 12, 2020
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When a kidnapping victim earns the ability to move around freely, with the kidnapper’s trust that they will not attempt to flee. Called such because they are “upstairs” instead of chained up in a basement. Sometimes the result of Stockholm syndrome, or behaving well due to the desire to be treated better or find the opportunity to escape. E.g. Jaycee Dugard or Prairie from The OA.
I cooked and cleaned for my captor, because as an upstairs girl I was given my own room instead of being chained in the barn.
by Malkrist January 15, 2020
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god (this is also referred in a j. cole song) god
man: "you got lucky, thank the man upstairs"
friend: "your right"

J Cole's singers:" so everyday i thank the man upstairs just for you and me G.O.M.D"
by karla Avila garcia March 5, 2016
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