If you masturbate in an unlocked room, someone is bound to enter.
Person 1: I was masturbating in the office supply closet which no one EVER enters, but of course as soon as I started spanking it, my boss walked in.

Person 2: That's Coomers law. Shouldn't have challenged it.
by TheGodOfSpeechcraft December 6, 2019
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The special corner in everyone's room where they go to coom.
Can also be a state of mind.
Wesley: Where's Namit?
Udai: He's probably in his coomer corner.
by zhewrong February 28, 2021
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When you coom/cum in a girls anus then leave it their and let her clean it up
by Moondog88 February 17, 2021
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The phrase members of NoFap use when in an argument with a coomer
Coomer Steve: NoFap is a lie!! Masturbation has proven health benefits!

NoFap Chad: ok coomer
by mrliverpoolfan April 22, 2021
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A Mississippi Coomer is when a married woman has sex with a Coomer who jacked off beforehand and he saves the cum and they use it for lube.
“Why would you cheat on Todd with your cousin Sandy?”

“Because he gives me one hell of a Mississippi Coomer.”
by Michael Brunswick December 1, 2019
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A Boomer that is a cunt
That Boomer is just a Coomer
by Coolio_ March 22, 2020
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Phenomenon where a person has to be subject to Ignominy to make someone else look bad for knowing about NSFW content by name.
In my group chat the other day, my friend tried to make fun of me for knowing a porn actor's name in front of everyone but fell for the Coomer's Riposte.

"How do you know who Mia Khalifa is?"
"Wait, how do YOU know who that is?"
by Hellen Keller Official December 30, 2022
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