Ella is usually a brunnete and drop dead gorgeous. Her eyes are amazing, but it may take you a little while to notice. She has always been pretty on the inside and out. Ella has a great sense of humor and will always make you laugh and cheer you up when you are having a bad day. She is very easy to talk to. She has a great sense of humor and is always moving around, singing, and having fun. She has amazing confidence and believes in what she does. She is an amazing singer and a very talented athlete. She is smart and confident but not egotistical. Ella loves to read and talk about the books she reads with her friends. She is very good with words and has a way of talking that gets you pulled into what she is saying right away. She is very good at telling stories and is always a blast to hangout with. Everyone loves her and wants to be her best friend. She only chooses to get very close with a few certain people, and if you are one of them you very lucky. Ella is very trustworthy and you can tell her anything and she won’t tell anyone if you ask her not to. Ella always is very smart about being able to figure most people out within 5 minutes of meeting them. Ella cares about her friends and family more than anything. Overall, she is amazing. :):)
A party without Ella? Hahahah nooo
by happ3ness November 8, 2018
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A name of a very nice girl who tries to see the best in everyone and likes most people. you have to be a real jerk to have Ella not like you. She is always nice and always acts like a kid, thats a good thing btw. She is also a god at basketball.
Ella is so nice to everyone
by imacoolkid1 April 17, 2020
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Ella is someone who you can trust with all of your heart because she has never broken anyones promise or betrayed anyone in her life. She is very caring and kind and when you need someone to talk to or just someone to be there for you, she is the person to go to. She is very smart and can be serious but can also be silly and fun. She is compassionate towards her friends and is always trying to help them and help them look on the bright side. Anybody is very lucky to know her so don't let her go if you come across an Ella.
Wow I just talked to Ella and she is someone who you can really trust.
I also talked to Ella and she made me feel so much better about all of this drama stuff.
by Galaxy0909 December 31, 2016
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Ella is a very quiet person until you get to know her. She is different from everyone else in a good way. Ella is a fun person to hang out with and will always cheer you up when you're sad. She can sometimes be awkward but you just have to start the conversation first. Ella is a beautiful and strong person even though she thinks she's not. once you have an Ella in your life you will be happier. Everyone needs an Ella and once you have her never let her or you will regret it
BOY 1: you see that girl? She's really quiet

BOY 2: I talked to her yesterday, she's really sweet and funny
BOY 1: oh, she must be an Ella
by dumb-heavenly May 31, 2019
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A super swag girl with an amazing personality who is super sarcastic at times and gets really obsessed with certain things. Friends of Ella are always very lucky for such an amazing opportunity and cherish the time they have with Ella, because Ella somehow is always rejected by her friends as their relationship grows. Ella is often a blogger, and likes to stay inside all day wearing her pajamas to blog. Ella is a future cat lady and enjoys all cats, although she believes dogs are pretty cool too. Ella has the most amazing music taste and fashion taste, and everyone should always cherish Ella's advice about fashion and music (as well as other things), because she does not often give it. Ella is the future wife of one of the four boys in Five Seconds of Summer, and would like to travel the world when she is older (and able to afford it), so she can take pictures and put it into a book. She also hopes to work as a photojournalist one day.
Everyone: "Ella is so swag why can't I be her"
Luke Hemmings: "Wow Ella is so gorgeous omg"
Ashton Irwin: "Wow Ella is hilarious can we get married"
Micheal Clifford: "Wow Ella is so cool she'll even play video games with me"
Calum Hood: "Wow I'm so lucky to know Ella I wonder who will be lucky enough to marry her"
John: "Wow Ella is my swaggiest friend ever like she has so much more swag than me I'm so jealous"
by queenofswag1234 January 11, 2014
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Ella's are usually one of the nicest people that you will meet. If you're on their good side then she should have your back for an eternity. Ella's can be very emotional but also very supportive they never lay the spotlight on them and some people envy them. They make friends easily and will never do wrong by them!
Girl 1: Look at that girl over there with all her friends
Girl 2: It's Ella
by Atlantic_Salmon October 23, 2019
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A fiesty petty girl that has you in a love-hate relationship, and sticks with you no matter what and is willing to beat a guy up for you.
Get out of here, I have Ella on speed dial!
by MegaMegan2004 January 24, 2017
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