someone who chills their nutsack and places them on a sleeping persons lips
When you are an eskimo you are an iced tea bagger
by adam November 23, 2004
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To dunk a bag of Hot Beans on a females face, generally after walking through Piers Park.
John and Samantha were walking through Piers Park, they stopped to purchase some Hot Beans from Carl.

Samantha got down on the ground, John proceeded to hover over and slowly dunk his Hot Beans on her face.John then stated, "Nothing like a good Boston Tea Bagger in Piers Park!"

Samantha shouted in joy, "I love your Hot Beans!".
by Carl The Bean Vendor April 5, 2010
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Someone who rests their one testicle on another person's face, while they are asleep/passed out.
Eric was a notorious Tea Bagger, but when fate interviened, Eric was left with One Stone......eventually making him the one and only One Stone Tea Bagger
by thesnake3h October 19, 2008
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