Slang for a person who lacks the ability to be strong willed or let’s their emotional side get the better of them.

Another word for beta or pussy.

Someone who gets slide slammed by everyone and everything in life and clearly gets treated like a b*tch.
Bill: "Hahaha yeah he fell in love with that thot Molly"

James: "Ahaha I can’t stand these syrup ass niggas


Person 1: "Get the fuck up outta my seat

Person 2: *moves without fighting back*

Person 1: "what I thought syrup ass”
by ooofaa May 26, 2019
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Yo this weed is syrup fam. Cause that shit sticky.
by Reverend Jack February 26, 2017
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In the Cannabis industry, the term Syrup or (Sirupus via Latin) refers to the best-grown plant(s) in a crop. The plant shows visible signs of extreme flowering growth. During the final stage of the plants flowering cycle the calyx (buds) enlarge and yield the most visible THC/cannabinoids creating a gooey, “Syrup” look. Hence the name: Syrup.

Syrup can be made by dissolving blood, sweat, tears, and love into water. Or by eliminating your commitment’s with everyone and every thing except your cannabis plants.
by JorgeCervantes July 2, 2015
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Syrup, when referring to the drink everybody drinks to get fucked up, is only one thing; Codeine cough syrup mixed with one of the following:

1. HPNOTIQ and Sprite (probably the best concoction i have ever had, just watch the HPNOTIQ, only enough for a slight buzz and little flavor).
2. Sprite and a coloring agent (kool-aid)
3. nothing. many choose to enjoy their syrup straight out of the bottle. Its usually just plain fuckin yellow. Good shit.
That guy has had so much syrup his car is leanin'.

That fuckin' syrup hog, now none of us can lean.
by SOMA6996 September 11, 2006
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Short for "Syrup of Figs" which is cockney rhyming slang for a wig.
by Adrian Harding November 11, 2004
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A head covering for the riah - challenged. Short for Syrup of Fig.
Oi, look at vat geezer wiv va syrup! Ya carn't see va join!
by Cocker Knee October 19, 2004
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An alchoholic drink consisting of the following:

1. Robitussin AC (Prescription Only)
2. Vodka
3. Rum
4. Big Red Soda (Or Other Red Soda)
5. Jolly Ranchers Red

People get fucked up with this shit son!
by kilo April 8, 2003
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