Slob on my Knob is term saying a man wants a blowjob
Dang, I want her to slob on my knob

I am so horny hey girlfriend can you come slob on my knob real quick?
by FluffyWolf May 10, 2018
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The phrase "slobbing on my knob" is another definition for meat rider, it is used when the person has been meat riding for quite a while.
Owen was talking about how Angel is very good looking for the past 40 minutes

"Buddy you are slobbing on my knob right now"
by critz20 April 16, 2023
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when a man or woman sucks or licks on a rusty doorknob and likes it
Kevin likes to casually slob on my knob.(meaning he sucked on my rusty doorknob)
by henry 1 September 20, 2017
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Jay: hey have you heard this song

naiyah: what song
Jay : slob on my knob like corn in a Cobb check in with me and do your job lay on the bed and give me head dont have to ask Don't have to beg Squeeze on my nuts like on my butt Natural cure please don't touch
naiyah: your old i think everbody heard that song before
naiyah: you need to listen to cardi B Call bodak yellow
by naiyah handmedown November 30, 2017
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slobbing the knob across the length of the shaft as if eating corn on the cob
"Did you hear that Luke's mom corn cob knob slobbed Matt last night?!"
by B218son May 3, 2010
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National slob on my knob day is, April 28.
Hey it's National slob on my knob day;) wanna suck my sick babe?
by Suck daddy April 27, 2018
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