She might be wondering what you ‘D’ size is and wants to find out, but is too shy to asks.
Her-“Hey Cameron, how tall are you?”

Him-“Oh Im 5’9”
Him in mind-(Why does she want to know my height?)
by Rose_12 October 5, 2021
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When a girl has something for and wants to have sexual intercourse with you.
"Daymn dude ya saw that girl in the bar last night? She's on my dick!"
by milfhunter70 August 17, 2022
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When a guy calls hold, none of his guy friends can take her ... Very similar to dibs, a guy can only call one hold at a time. It’s the girl he’s trying to get with or has...
Bro shes my hold back off.”
by caleb leduc February 13, 2018
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She be chewin on my five till we gum
"She be chewin on my five till we gum"
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