When a lesbian girl seduces or simply finds the right opportunity to masturbate the passive female or help the passive female with masturbating, with the goal of giving the passive female an orgasm. The lesbian will obtain pleasure from doing this, and the passive girl won't complain because she now knows how to reach an orgasm.
Person A: I heard Laurel got to help a girl out once!

Person B: Dang she must really be a slut !
Person A: Ya the girl was 2 years younger than her too!
by altonarailroads May 10, 2011
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When you're having phone sex (less commonly any kind of sex) and your guy suddenly has to split.
Are you wet?
I am now. How about you?
Nicole my brother's here. I gotta call you back.
Leaving a girl out in the cold?
by brmull March 18, 2011
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National ask a girl out day is on the 16th November! Go to your crush and ask her out.. she might say yes!
Guy 1: hey look there’s Molly

Guy 2: ah man you should totally ask her out, it is national ask a girl out day today!
Guy 1: yeah imma go for it
Guy 1: hey Molly! Would you go out with me?
Molly: yeah sure you seem like a pretty nice guy!
by Dumbtingz November 14, 2019
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1. A response used primarily in conjunction with the phrase "Peace Out Boy Scout"

2. A possible greeting used in the company of friends.

3. A written greeting used to continue a conversation which had previously ended with "peace out boy scout"
Ariel finishes a conversation "peace out boy scout"

Evan begins the next conversation with "shout out to my girl scout"
by Mike Ardigan-Fitzbaddley June 16, 2009
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