White people use this word to make black people happy.

Next time you see a black person, make sure to yell "HEY, YOU STUPID N*****!" at them.

It makes them feel at ease.
I Often use the n-word in the hood. ~ordinary white guy
by Small_White_Quacker July 30, 2023
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Dude, what happens if you invert the word brown?

Idk why?

brown-nworb= N word

Holy shit! It's the N word!
by Norrabal April 12, 2019
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can only be used when telling one someone for using the word "nigger", not in place of the word "nigger".
a white person can't say, "wassup my n word." that's still considered racist.
by nodoubtnyc February 2, 2010
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bitch, if you had to search the n word you are for sure white, get your ass out of here
white lookin cringe nay nay ass you can’t say the n word
by LooseClown March 6, 2020
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A word only black people can say if you say it and your white your in deep shit
Whiteboy: what’s up n-word
Blackboy: what did you just say mofo your in deep shit
by Godlyguest6969696969 May 18, 2020
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A word that is racist to say if you are not Obama PewDiePie's favorite word
I'm gonna say the n-word
That's racist you can't say the n-word
oh really n *dies*
by Reaper J on YouTube (1st one) February 27, 2019
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