Short for Supermotard, a synonym for Supermoto. This is a type of motorcycle racing that places motocross-style bikes on combination tarmac/dirt courses.
The wheel-to-wheel action of Motard racing has been very popular in Europe since the mid-80's.
by 1000RRFireblade April 8, 2006
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An annoying, boring, self-righteous mormon who likes to kill all of the fun. Usually, they were born and raised in Utah, have never lived outside of Utah and they:
-Don't drink ANY caffeine
-Have never sworn in their life
-Read their Book of Mormon twice a day
-Never miss church
-Don't watch any "R" rated movies
and they think anyone who does not follow or do what they do, is going to burn in hell. Also known as Molly-Mormons and Peter-Priesthoods.
"Hey guys we should watch a movie tonight."

"Let's watch Sweeney Todd!"

"But it's rated 'R'! That's against my religion!"

"Go read your scriptures you stupid motard..."
"Dinner and a movie?"


"Pick you up at 7 on Monday?"

"I have FHE..."

by NinjaSteve June 9, 2009
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A combination of the words moron and retard to emphasize the stupidity of a person's actions or conduct.
You are such a motard!
by Orville Bigelow March 26, 2005
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A moronic retard; someone even more stupid than a typical retard.

Most commonly used as an insult.
Harold is being such a motard.
by PlaceboEffect June 10, 2005
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