another word for homie mostly used by WIGGERS
Yo homeslice lets have gay sex
by ruel November 27, 2003
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1. Word white people (such as myself) use in place of nigga. In order not to avoid confrontation from crowds of black males wanting to kill whitey. Instead of "What up nigga?" we say "What is up homeslice."
2. White folk talk for nigga.
by D. Schwal May 1, 2005
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"yo sapnin me Homeslice!"
"yo sapnin me lad"
"not much just about to go curb-stomp a rabbit"
by jcbJCB2000 December 12, 2017
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A very good friend of yours. A slice of your home, refereing to the old english times where they use to rent out parts of there homes for a chicken or something.
Hey Vinoth my Homeslice, whats hanging?

Give me a slice of your home homeslice.
by GangstaHomie June 8, 2006
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The person who shares ones home, bed and heart; A conjugal partner.

My homeslice, Pat and I don't need a ceremony to know we're committed to each other.
by Fourth Dwarf December 8, 2008
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Buddy, pal, chum, crony, homie, friend. Generally used by Arizonans. or other USA Westerners.
I'ma gonna go go hang with my homeslices and bash President Shrub.
by Ship of Fools December 14, 2004
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it's what real dogs call their broskis when in da hood. it also means a good friend you've had for a long time or someone you hang wit.
"ayyy wassup homeslice"
"not much. wus good homie?"
by time for shrex December 23, 2021
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