rape is a crime that involves forcing someone to have sexual intercourse with you. While it is generally seen as a crime committed by men against women, it can be committed by anyone against anyone, and later on people finding out you were never raped and you cried rape which is an all to common occurrence in today's society.
hey Nicole did you hear Brianna got raped?, no turns out she lied and became the girl who cried rape
by kyro the happy bear December 6, 2020
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hotties. Very swaggy too😎
person 1:dude, why is that girl so swaggy??

person 2:Bc she is a girl who plays roblox, duh.
by JJsWife August 14, 2021
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There is no definition for this meh boi pass definition
Person 1: Really? Girls who eat carrots are on urb dic?
Person 2: yah meh boi
Person 1: Why?
Person 2: idk frigdet
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A woman who eats orange vegetables known as carrots. What did you expect?!
Linda: eats a carrot
Josh: Look! A girl who eats carrots!
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A figurate way for defining girls who usually like to practise oral sex on men.
ack: "Do you girls eat carrots?"
Girls: "Yeah."
Jack: "So you are girls who eat carrots?"
Girls: "We are females who like oral sex
by Pippo Fantasy June 13, 2021
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Smart girls with little sense of humor. They will tear you apart, and they know how to do it now. That's right, they took physics. Now quit staring at them and go back to work.
1: "They're acting like girls who study physics."
2: "Don't let them hear you say that."
by missphys April 7, 2015
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