A anoying person who currently has 200 followers on tiktok maybe more in the future
Person 1: Who is jahelyn Escobar

Person 2: Idk a annoying person who I know of bc of another friend of mine
by Jahelyn Escobar 😃👍 October 5, 2020
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A "pablo escobar" is when you are getting a blow job, and just before you cum , you pull out of her mouth and blow your load up her nose so when it leaks back out it looks like coke coming out of her nose.
Bob: Hey dude what happened with you and that girl you took home last night?
John: She turned out to be a real bitch so when she was blowing me I pulled out and gave her the pablo escobar!!!
by 400poundape October 17, 2010
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To do a line of Colombian cocaine from a girls cleavage. Named after the infamous drug lord Pablo Escobar.
Dude 1: Dude you looked fucked up.
Dude 2: Yeah man I just did a Naughty Escobar.
Dude 1: Who did you do it off of?
Dude 2: That slut Kendal, her cleavage can hold tons of coke.
Dude 1: cool bro.
by Dr.Sheen September 13, 2011
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The action of nutting on someone’s top lip and having them snort it
Guy1:Hey man I Pablo Escobared my girl last night
Guy2:I bet she looked like a Columbian drug lord
The Pablo Escobar
by The Pablo Escobar July 30, 2021
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When one dude does a line of blow off another guys penis. Variant of Eskimo brother.
Sean was so wasted he literally did a bump off Vinny’s dick! They are now Escobar brothers!
by FuckYelpBetch November 5, 2018
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