The name of a girl who may be a little on the strange side but a friend for life. She is faithful, dedicated and loves to be the centre of attention. Despite making mistakes, she know that her loved ones will accept her no matter what :-)
That girl, she's a total Eleanor
by lealmm December 4, 2013
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An awesome human being that is so kind and adorable. They are great friends and always ‘there for you’ They make boring music activities fun and always willing to be your partner in group activities. So many great memories and made with them. They are extremely great at dancing and are very flexible.
Eleanor is so cool
by Lilstrawb February 25, 2019
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The perfect friend. Eleanor is kind, caring, and just awesome. Shes hilarious. When you first meet her, she judges you, because she has been hurt by a bunch of sluts.
Dude.... Eleanor rejected me the other day but now we're getting close.... this is awesome
by somebody135 December 24, 2014
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Eleanor is a kind, beautiful girl who is very smart with a touch of attitude. She is super nice even though. Everyone loves Eleanor.
Person 1:Oh look, there goes a pretty smart girl
Person 2: oh, she must be an Eleanor.
by GirlsAreCool November 27, 2019
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A sweet stupid blonde. She will always be there for you even when it seems like she’s being mean to you. Eleanor is a great friend, and she always got your back.
You know Eleanor, she’s great
by Bigoldaddie November 26, 2019
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only the swaggiest swagger in the history of swaggers
wow, that kid balancing 3 oranges on her head must be an eleanor she has so much swag
by Whalio Jambles March 21, 2017
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A kind spirited, light hearted person. She is a very lovable person and treats everyone equally. She is sometimes referred to as a goody two shoes, but is ok with it. She is also smart, funny and an awesome and amazing drawer. I love Eleanor!
"Eleanor is the kindess person ever"
by chloerattler21 February 4, 2016
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