Drainted is a word invented and made by Moriah Elizabeth and she claimed it ok so dont you dare use it. Definition: to paint something in a artistic way.
I drainted my canvas in colorful colors.
by Hi noobs October 16, 2020
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The action of drawing or painting simultaneously, typically using paint pens.
by FLYNNAGORGAN/ ME fan#1 August 10, 2020
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Mixture between the word "Draw" and "Paint" created by Moriah Elizabeth. Usually used when working with paint pens.
Person A: "This is so cool! How did you draw this?"

Person B:"Oh thank you! I drainted it!"
by IrrelevantJones August 7, 2020
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The act of drawing and painting simultaneously, typically using paint pens
I like to draint with my paint pens.
by Youtuber14 August 7, 2020
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Draint means as to (draw/paint) at the same time, or a combined meaning or word of draw and paint
Drainting is so much fun!!!
by Beach ADDICT August 8, 2020
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Draint / Drainting are words created by Moriah Elizabeth And it means to “ draw with paint
I’m going to draint something
by Skittish pot August 9, 2020
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the act of drawing and painting simultaneously, typically using paint pens.
Moriah Elizabeth drainted on paint palettes today.
by sukiibbee August 7, 2020
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