Similar to "Word Up" or "Hi". This phrase can be used for a more dramatic effect when responding to someone.
"I recieved an A on my mid term" -Person 1
"Word up cherry coke" -Person 2
by i-kick-puppies April 5, 2004
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When a girl is on their period and has diarrhea at the same time.
Dude I heard Jennifer ate some bad shrimp and got catastrophic cherry Coke
by Timmy_CC July 3, 2022
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the best soda ever
you can open a can at 6pm
and it will still be good and fizzy at 4am

it gives you heartburn though

but that doesn’t matter because it’s

the best soda ever
“bro you gto 3 canss of cherry coke on u stndad”
“man those been there for a week they still good ash thugh”
by hotmum January 4, 2023
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