When you do a one handed cartwheel past someone, and during this you:



3. Deficate

all three of these must be completed at exactly the same time to acomplish the dirty cartwheel. Although you don't need to do one while going past someone, you can simply do it for the relief.
Wow...I would never be acrobatic enough to pull off a dirty cartwheel on someone.

Man I felt the biggest relief in my entire life after I did a dirt cartwheel...it's like I'm 10 pounds lighter.
by kiribayashi March 3, 2008
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An Irish Cartwheel is when you go out with your buddies to the bar and you, and or one of them adopt a Irish accent for the night to pick up females. Can be done solo with much practice.
Oh shit, there's that girl I pulled the Irish Cartwheel on last night.
by Cartwheeling March 3, 2010
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A sexual move often performed by gymnasts or dancers. It involves both partners in the Standing 69 position usually with the lighter partner backwards. The standing partner proceeds with cartwheels until he or she hits a wall. This often results with both partners simultaneously tightening their jaws on the recieving partners genitals, which ultimately leads to severed genitals and/or severe cuts.
My favorite position is the Standing 69 Cartwheel it won me a talent show ribbon and I found out my peni can hold up 130 pounds HOLLA AT ME
by Anthony Manalo May 17, 2007
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Not to be confused with the similar popular drinking game, High Brooms Wagon Wheel. This game requires 4 or more carpenters/Joiners. Firstly you must assemble at the top of the hill leading down to High Brooms Station. The winner of the previous round is the spokes and other participants are the rim. The wheel is constructed by the rims stripping off all their clothes, laying on their sides in a circular shape and grabbing the feet of the person ahead of them and holding on tighly to their ankles. The ankles are the tenons and the hands form the mortice to create a strong mortice and tenon joint. Next, the circle is stood up and aimed downhill and the remaining player, the spokes, stands in the middle of this rim as if performing a cartwheel. This player must hold on to the genitals of the other players with their hands and feet and mouth if necessary. With the joinery now complete, play can commence. The circle is rocked to start the cartwheel rolling down the hill and the shaking motion as it travels should cause all players forming the rim to be tossed off as the wheel heads southwards towards the station. Play is stopped when the last player has shot his load onto the spokes in the centre. The winner is the Last person to ejaculate and gets to play as spokes next round and free drinks all night at "The Brickworks" pub, paid for by the losers.
Ali: Who's up for a good old fashioned game of High Brooms Cartwheel?
Matteus: Oh yes Please! I love it! Is that the same as High Brooms Wagon Wheel?
Ali: Its similar. Grab Bob and Stu and ill show you how to play!
by Tony Spokes June 21, 2021
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When the female does a cartwheel mid-sex, and the male catches her feet and proceeds to eat her out while the female starts giving the male a blowjob while she is still upside down (practically 69). If they both have enough strength and space, they then will start cartwheeling around the room whilst still performing 69
Me and my girlfriend experimented with different sexual activities last night. We tried the Cartwheeling frog-job and it was dizzy but rather fun!
by Large DangleWanger 1678 July 27, 2020
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A sexual move often performed by gymnasts or dancers. It involves both partners in the Standing 69 position usually with the lighter partner backwards. The standing partner proceeds with cartwheels until he or she hits an obstacle. This often results with both partners simultaneously tightening their jaws on the recieving partners genitals, which ultimately leads to severed genitals and/or severe cuts.
I did a Standing 69 Cartwheel with Kalee and she ended up biting my cock off when we ran into a wall. In return, I bit her clitoris off.
by Jay Danger May 17, 2007
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A really hardcore succ that make you feel like you in another dimension
She told me it was her first time, but she gave me The twirly double mchurricane washing machine cartwheel pully wully oopsie woopsie superwoman into the next world succ
by Butters my Butthole™ October 28, 2018
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