Beatty Fucking Cunt

This normally refers to a male/female who has no friends and is a reject in society. Most likely to die a virgin. Quite frankly a LOSER!!!
"There is a BFC behind us. Lets beat him up!"
by John2007 May 4, 2007
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used to describe a chick who is big and fat. More often then not these girls may be named Carrie. B-Big F-Fat C-Carrie.
Dude 1~ "Hey dude, did you see that fat chick?"

Dude 2~ "Yeah, what a BFC! I wouldn't touch that with your shlong!"
by islandgirl_08 September 13, 2008
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Butt Fucking Country. Somewhere remote, uncharted, with little or nothing to do or see. Somewhere where one usually gets stranded.
Guy 1: What's up man, we are waiting for you!

Guy 2: Aw, man, my car's engine broke down, and I'm here lost in the middle of BFC!

Guy 1: Oh...this must suck.
by ushin March 14, 2008
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He’s a diamond geezer, a bobby dazzler, a top bloke… expert killer of digital things… wit as sharp as the knife used to cut his arm bobble off… so fun it’ll make you want to shit… has oodles of inner Mugen… is a danger to the older population when donning a swimsuit at the communal pool depends on proximity but lots of high blood pressure and pacemaker malfunctions… natural habitat Quebec party central!

Has a tendency to be very naughty but will behave for bj’s… BUT this is only a temporary measure so will need plenty of follow ups… Is effin HUGE has legs bigger than most people’s entire body… keeps them this way on a squeaky ass exercise bike! (which is kinda cute).

Has a teeny tiny friend who also has a tendency to be naughty but bj’s won’t work as she’s female… it is yet to be determined what makes her behave!

Side note… Is the best fur daddy on the planet
I’m going to Big Fella Chris… BFC the shit out of everything 10 on 10
by MissChips69 December 23, 2021
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Bitch Face Cunt, like the former GG of Canada
That BFC is nasty, who would want to be with that thing?
by Woodrow P Wilson February 13, 2021
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1: who are you with man
2:No one just my BFC
by BFC1 December 27, 2017
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