A display case for pictures of men with hairless chests, and a hint of pubic hair right above their tight, crotch hugging jeans.... Oh yeah, and Abercrombie and Fitch has some clothes in it.
Abercrombie and Fitch fan: Ooohhh, hint of pube!
by BewareTheSpringOnion July 26, 2009
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a once "outdoors" store that now sells clothing aimed at upper-middle class teenagers and young college students. the clothing may be a bit overpriced, but it is definitely not other stores/brands such as the buckle, urban outfitters, lacoste, le tigre, or lucky brand. they advertise with a slogan of "casual luxury," which, indeed, it is. the clothes are generally very comfortable and fit well.

since it is targeted towards an OLDER audience than most "brand name" apparel, the clothes are made to fit misses sizes and young men.

abercrombie generally has a "mountain-range, yacht club" atmosphere, and it's younger counterpart, hollister co., has more of a "beachy" feel.

hollister is also owned by abercrombie, much as hot topic, old navy, and the gap are all owned by the banana republic.

hollister is significantly cheaper than abercrombie because it is targeted towards a younger audience that generally does not produce its own income.

contrary to popular belief, hollister is no more expensive than american eagle and pacific sunwear (pac sun); in fact, most of the items there are cheaper. some may argue that american eagle is THE BEST THING SINCE EVER, but i personally find that their clothes stretch out way too much after a only couple of wears, and their jeans have had a noticeable increase in price over the past few months (ranging from $29.50 which is a very good price to $59.50 which is the same as the most expensive hollister jeans available atm). while american eagle does have a great sale rack, hollister does, as well, and you can also find some pretty nice things at abercrombie.

abercrombie and fitch carries clothing that will last for a great amount of time. i, personally, have a purse and several shirts that have lasted me since the 8th grade (i am now a senior in high school). they also seem to have very friendly service.

some individuals get beyond too carried away with the idea of being able to wear "high quality merchandise." these are usually, but not always, the kids who you see with popped collars, aviator sunglasses, and those annoying, "i am better than you" attitudes. this is not to be blamed on the store, but rather, the individuals and their love for shows like laguna beach. they tend to take things a bit too far, and yes, i agree, end up making themselves look moronic.

the truth is that if you don't like abercrombie and fitch or hollister, you DON'T have to wear it. no one is forcing you to do that. holding a grudge against individuals who do, simply because they are wearing a brand that you don't like, is immature. brands are brands; let people live with them.
"i like abercrombie and fitch... the clothing there fits me rather well."
by pandrea July 26, 2006
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she was wearing a $60 skirt from abercrombie and fitch and when she walked i could see her thong on her ass
by angelfromhell623 January 5, 2005
This is not a defintion of Abercrombie & Fitch. This is a definition of people. I hate to be rude, but I truly pity those who have been writing these 5 paragraph A&F bashing sob stories that are truly pathetic. Again, I apologize. I would like you all to understand that there is absolutly no sense in trash talking a company you dipise. If Abercrombie & Fitch's style, marketing, crowds, and economical status really upset you as much as you claim, why must you waste your time comparing and reading the defintions that other haters post? I mean...what's the point? If you don't like it, there's a few things you could do. A) Not shop there. B) Ignore those who represent the brand. C) Not worry about it. Also, why must you cry over destroyed denim? It's fashionable, and some people are willing to pay the extra dollar to be in style with current fashions. From what i've read, these people must really not be your friends so why thrash on people you don't even know? Obviously very few of us are concered about you...so why must you be so concerned about A&F shoppers and adorers? It almost sounds to me as if you are jealous. We all have nicer clothes than you, are indulged into a nicer lifestyle than you, and enjoy shopping as a social and personal experience. As humans, we're all equal...unfortuantly some people really bite it in life, but you don't have to exclaim it and trash those who don't. I'm not saying A&F people are better than everyone else, I'm saying that we're comfortable with who we are enough to express it in a clothing brand that we all love; even if it costs us more than necessary money. If you don't, then don't. Stop wasting your time. Stop crying because mommy wouldn't buy you these nice clothes. Stop crying because you're not in shape enough to wear them. Stop crying because besides what all you say....you want to be like the popular kids. You want expensive clothes and nice music and a fat wallet...you wish you could have it all. Maybe it's time you realize something, sitting around complaining about a large, economically strong, high profitting company which sells fashionable, sexy clothes is really damn pathetic. Now, it's ironic that I'm here saying what I am because I'm posting onto this site, wasting my time, talking about A&F, but I saw this page and decided something needed to be said. I hate to be mean, I really really hate to be mean, but this is all the truth people. It's time to realize that. So please, there's no need to be jealous, there's no need to hate, just realize that if you truly, honestly, all in your heart hate the clothing and lifestyle brand Abercrombie & Fitch, it's time to just shut up and ignore it all. And maybe, have you even thought that maybe what you are doing is total pro-conformity? Is bashing A&F a popular thing to do? Are you buying into a trend? Maybe you are the real conformist. Think about it.
A&F Person: Why do you hate my favorite store?

Non-A&F Person: Because it's the cool thing to do.
by Phillip March 31, 2005
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A clothing store, usually found in malls, that targets high school and college age people.
Person 1: Where did you get that shirt?
Person 2: Abercrombie and Fitch.
by Seven Costanza December 29, 2005
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Popular clothing brand of "Preppy" kids/adults
She went to Abercrombie and Fitch with her other cheerleader friends.
by Mr. 44 February 19, 2005
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Their brand image is all about beauty, and class; to most people its quite frankly vulgar. But this is the interesting thing, the same people who find it vulgar, find it irresistible, and seductive. They cant help but think, by simply buying these expensive clothes, they’re buying themselves into the elitist class the brand sells. Regardless of what people say, it’s a proven fact that the quality of the products these brands sell are better than other retail brands, and you can tell that when you shop there the clothes immediately feel thicker, comfier, the swing tags look and feel expensive, everyone who works there are beautiful; this all adds to its seduction, even if you hate the idea of it all.

What works for these brands are that they tap into our egos. They are either our regular store we go to spend all of Mummy and Daddy’s money, or we’ve been seduced and cant help mixing with the ‘upper class’ and fulfilling our retail guilty pleasure.

You could argue this ideology is wrong, but Abercrombie and Fitch, Hollister, Jack Wills are hugely successful brands, they have selected a powerful target audience which provokes opinions which only adds the their success. You either love it, hate it, or pretend to hate it but secretly love it.
Abercrombie and Fitch, just another guilty pleasure like sleeping with your girlfriends sister. You know you shouldn't, but shit she's hot!
by Matt Cambridge May 20, 2011
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