he is not real i am zam THE REAL ZAM!!!!!!!!!!!!: is just a fake

and zam is not orange but he is red!
MOROT i am zam not u THE REAL ZAM!!!!!!!!!!!!: is a faker i am a shikoty shanker zimothy zmaster lover and hater i am an all out player!
by i am zam April 1, 2003
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Phonetic short form of "Do you see what I'm saying?"

Used when the speaker is using eloquent ebonic prose to paint a mental image for the listener.
Lookie heyuh, you fat-neck, bald-face muthuh fuckuh. You ain' fittin' to work my muthuh fuckin' nerve, zim zam?
by abundantmind December 18, 2004
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1) being completly and totally sarcastic about somethings coolness

2) something that is that cool
1) oh, yeah, sha-fucking-zam, thats a real cool Geo Metro you got there.

2) sha-fucking-zam, i just hit the jackpot!
by Mail October 10, 2006
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1) being completly and totally sarcastic about somethings coolness

2) something that is that cool
1) oh, yeah, sha-fucking-zam, thats a real cool Geo Metro you got there.

2) sha-fucking-zam, i just hit the jackpot!
by Mail October 10, 2006
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Exclamation, combination of shnizzle and shazam Especially useful during all out online multiplayer combat, such as during a heated Halo3 match.
"Shna-zam motherfr's! You just got p0wn3d!"
by Ham'n'eggs October 30, 2007
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a groupchat created by the gods themselves. they put alliyah, juliana, kailonna, sofia, alenna, holly, sienna, tayler, loren, rachel, poppy, kylie, eric, ryder, mark, aaron, and zach together. well, and adrian, but he only takes annual showers so he doesn't really count. ZAM stand for zach clayton, aaron melloul, and mark thomas, but mark left so now it's kinda just ZA which is kinda sad but we're dealing with it. it's also full of cool celebs who never come in because Tayler and Juliana always send weird videos of themselves.
adrian: hey Zam groupchat!
sofia: adrian, go take your annual shower and leave us alone
juliana: me and adrian are dating
loren and rachel: uwuwuw
alliyah: *sends memes*
by thats clownery luv x June 18, 2019
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when u love zam zam water and finish it one slurpppp.
usually used by moslims.
'yo bro'
'shut up u wasteman im about to zammed this'
by TheHumster May 2, 2018
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