When you take your beer into the toilet when you're having a crap and continue to drink it whilst emptying your bowels. 'Winnie the Poo Beer'
Hold my beer mate I need a shit... ahhh fuck it don't worry i'lll go for a Winnie.
by corndog86 January 9, 2016
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slang term for injectable anabolic steroid called winstrol(stanozolol).
A: yo buddy
B: hey sup?
A: quess what i injected into my ass this afternoon?
B: what?
A: i brewed some winny yesterday and injected today. it hurts like hell.
B: you shittin me man, winny is the hardest to brew, i aint believe you.
A: did it man fuck you.
by Zetronomy October 11, 2007
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Winny is actually a name that derives from the latin word, "winnonium" that is also known as the Band Practise Room.
Winny should be a god. Look at his posure!
by Alhex June 2, 2004
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A Japanese P2P software that you can get J doramas, mangas, animes and games for free.
If you are into Japanese porn video, give Winny a try!
by hkl8324 September 12, 2006
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A winny, is a small goblin, type creature. It generaly thinks itself to be "well 'ard" but ends up getting owned by everyone. Also quite the pervert, tries to get it on with other peoples girls.
Girl: Ah! somthing just passed under my skirt!

Guy: Don't worry, it's just a winny scurrying around.
by L-The detetctive November 12, 2009
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Poor kathoeys adopted from a Patpong Night Market stall for the low price of 60 satang. Their soul purpose after adoption is to be a complete bitch and ruin friendships for whoever she seduced into being it's partner.
John was forced away from his friends by a Winnie.
by cretindog December 7, 2019
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Winnie is otherwise known as winnayay the slay slay is a feline who acts like dog. She LOVES food and will lick the treats off your fingers and possibly bite them too! She is ALWAYS hungry but wont eat normal cat things like tuna, she will eat spaghetti and meatballs.
Winnie is always hungry and rubs her crusty face on yours so then your breathing her furr
by Dafishy December 13, 2022
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