A submitter of content to a website (mainly Fark.com) who is obviously retarded.
Smitty thought "spork" was a compound word and not a portmanteau.
by tototototoad April 28, 2010
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The plural acronym for the phrase "See Me In Ten Years" pertaining to young women used by (legal) older males when they would like to engage in sexual intercourse or sexual acts of any kind.
"Bro, check out that group of smitties over there."
"Yeah bro! We could totally dominate those smitties!"
by SmithySmith August 4, 2008
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When you do somthing dumb and now You got the shit face.
it also means if you were to get embarrassed!
If you see a boy in the hallway and he was to fall down the stairs you would say "ooooo Smitty!"

If a boy ask a girl for her number and she say no then the boy gone be looking "Smitty."
by through witit September 30, 2009
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A dirty girl that flirts with everyone’s boyfriend
Er rhat girls a smitty
by Blindfoldedickhead March 31, 2019
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One who dumps beer at a party when he cannot drink it. Typically is from Staten Island and can be observed with a horrendous "Razor" haircut.
Smitty dumps his beer in the toilet while playing beer pong so he doesn't get too drunk.

Is that smitty over there with the Armani exchange shirt on vomitting all over some poor obese girl?
by Mr. X BC August 22, 2006
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A make-shift home or abandoned house, usually used for smoking crack, shooting heroin, and prostitution.
I took the trick back to the smitty to get high.
by Bugg, RVA November 20, 2009
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smitty is a chad a real hot guy loves punching orphans and doing drugs preferably meth youd love him. He also hates elmo.
smitty is such a chad omg
by SMITTY12344 June 18, 2021
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