a tiktok trend to grind up antique china (usually your parents china) and then snorting the powder that it was turned in to
“man have you heard of the porcelain challenge?”

“yea my mom was so made when i snorted her china haha”
by thatgenzer October 3, 2022
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A trend started by gen z on the social media platform tiktok, in which one grinds up their parents/grandparents antique china (often using a blender) and snorts it.

It is dangerous! do NOT try at home.
Omg Brad did you hear about gen z’s porcelain challenge?
by purpleturtle2 October 3, 2022
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TikTok trend in which people grind up antique porcelain and snort it like cocaine
Hey did you hear about the porcelain challenge? It’s really dangerous
by eleventeenfrogs October 2, 2022
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A challenge that involves grinding up your parent's antique china into a fine powder and snorting it like cocaine.
by 234756 October 3, 2022
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A scary TikTok challenge where kids are grinding up and snorting their parents antique porcelain
“Yo dude have you tried the porcelain challenge yet?”

“Yeah man that shiz burned”
by FatTomcat October 2, 2022
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A tiktok challenge in which people grind fine china into a fine powder and snort it. It is extremely harmful, and at least 6 known people have been injured from it. Not only is it harmful to the body, but it also destroys antique, expensive china.
Person 1: Have you heard of the Porcelain Challenge?
Person 2: Yeah! Someone in my kid’s school did it. I can’t believe these kids are doing someone so stupid.
by Banana_Human October 3, 2022
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