A place where you have to bang chicks quietly.
Her: My place or yours?
Me: How about the library? We could read a book afterwards.
Her: Nah.
by KingTrump December 26, 2016
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cam was wacking off his uncle in the back of the library
by Bobby, Bobby Smo November 12, 2006
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to be quiet and/or shy
man, y u so library on the phone
by baby grl March 22, 2005
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Library- Basically paper Google that you can walk through.
Scott went down to the ancient library to check out the next Harry Potter book.
by PaladinPizza June 6, 2016
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A place for transgender people to hang out and talk about anime.
The people at the library are so annoying. All they talk about is anime and Undertale.
by Sonicmom2 March 21, 2019
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a place where homeless come to shave and go B.M.
From Family Guy:
Chris: What's a library, dad?
Peter: Oh, it's just a place where homeless people come to shave and go BM.
by T.P. Megnis May 13, 2005
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Yo Tom I got some serious library the other day! HOLLA
by J Buck November 14, 2004
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