The most beautiful girl you will ever meet. She is nice, funny, pretty, and wanted by most boys. She warms up the room like nobody else and is friends with everyone. She will be the most beautiful and sweetest girl you will ever meet.
Person 1- That girls so pretty and nice!
Person 2- I bet she's a Tenny!
by alecismyboo98 November 23, 2012
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A sport in which you smash balls with a hard stick. You also grunt loudly while smashing the balls
Person 1: you see that dude over there smashing balls and grunting?
Person 2: ya
Person 1: he’s playing tennis
by Jsh82 October 14, 2020
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A cute, hot girl. Everyone wants to be her girlfriend, both guys, and girls. But she's already taken. She loves volleyball and her dog.
Wow, she's such a Tenny! Damn that Tenny is so hot!
by @thatgirl February 7, 2022
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It is one of the most athletic sports. It's not like basketball where you just sit on the sidelines. You are constantly moving during matches and it takes skill. Matches can last up to 1-2 hours!
Stranger: I play basketball
Me: I play tennis
Stranger: Tennis is stupid and its for old people
Me: Punches them and runs
Nobody: ...
by Kindley March 16, 2020
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A code name for marijuana. Used around non "tennis players". Terms used along with "playing tennis"

Playing Tennis: the actual act of smoking
Tennis Balls: marijuana
Tennis Coach: dealer
Tennis Racket: smoking device
Tennis Court: where you're going to smoke
Swing: taking a hit
Phil: Hey tony, wanna go play some tennis?
Tony: Yeah, have any balls?
Phil: Yeah, I just got some. I'll meet you at the court in like 30 mins.
by wimbledonchamp September 20, 2009
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Slang for $10
Person 1: I got a new Supreme hoodie!
Person 2: Bet you got it for a tennie off some broke bitch
by bowl of the world April 28, 2018
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Guy 1: "Hey man, you wanna play tennis today?"
Guy 2: "Naw man, I'm still too sore from playing tennis yesterday."
by Grover Cleveland69696969 March 10, 2014
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