An emphasis on the swear 'damn,' in the form of magic-trick jabberwocky.
"Tra-Damn," says the hobo clown, as he drops his pack of Black and Milds.
by Tha Helpdesk March 27, 2009
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A largely incompetent I$P which spends much of its resources collecting money from cu$tomers, and too little time providing anything which may be confused with goods/services.

Characterised by not-so-technically-supportive technical support, and underpaid, uneducated monkeys in their billing department.

Tel$tra have often been described by their customers as "Gimpier than a three-legged dog"

Synonyms: Incompetent, ethically retarded, FUBAR
Dude - dont be such a Telstra...
by Spoz May 21, 2004
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Tra-contempo is a delicate and artful mix of "Traditional"and "Contemporary" values.
Michael and Crystal's relationship has its own special contemporary flare with a mix of traditional values. They are simply tra-contempo.
by D-Woman February 3, 2022
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A group which gathers in secret spots and specific unknown times. Only members of bulc tra know these locations and times
Oh hey, is bulc tra on this arv? yeh mate! where abouts? where abouts is what?
by Mr Bulc April 25, 2011
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Nickname for Trafalgar Law in One Piece
Captain of Heart Pirates
One of the Supernovas
Member of Worst Generation
Ate the Ope Ope Fruit
Hates bread
by PirateHunter May 8, 2018
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n. A "musician" who sings about college life, e.g. drinking Jack Daniels. Often seen throwing up in Paris Hilton's closet and putting large amounts of mousse in her hair.
"Did you hear the new Tra$ha song, 'PiKPoKet'?"
"Yes. I promptly cancelled my satellite radio subscription."
by classicvlasic April 2, 2010
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