“Sociopath is, boiled down, someone who is just more savage than everyone else.”
- Logan Paul
Damn Logan Paul just filmed a dead body in the forest. He's such a sociopath.
by Radkopiradko October 5, 2018
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Batshit crazy. Ass backwards. Completely wrong but convince themselves they are absolutely right.
"Yeah, he thinks the sky is actually red, and there's no way to convince him otherwise. Cruzz is such a sociopath."
by Rlstein June 12, 2017
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A sociopath is someone affected by psychopathic personality disorder.Because sociopaths are created by environmental factors its very hard to identify them
Person 1:Today i got so much trouble because of you
person 2(sociopath):I dont care
by Hell666999 March 29, 2008
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Person one: dude,look at jay, he aced all the questions in the by the way, are you a sociopath? Video

Person two: wow, never thought he would be a sociopath
by Gay_bishhhh July 12, 2019
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When someone doesn't have any feelings or emotions.
Marcus is a sociopath who leaves all of his friends even when they care about him. Marcus doesn't have any feelings. Marcus is a dick. and a woman. the end.
by KiwiIsABitch December 18, 2017
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