An Irish guy who likes to wear girl's pants.
Guy: Who's that red-headed chick over there?
Other guy: Nah man, that's just Seamus.
by --bladhblahblah-- August 4, 2010
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a deregatory term for an irish illegal alien.
patrick was living and working illegaly in boston for forty years before any one noticed. now every one calls him seamus.
by kit rottenchild August 12, 2006
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The fucking weirdest person you will ever meet, friends with lesbians and no one and I mean no one can understand him, most Seamus’s have something behind their ear, a little gross nose, for possible alien connection, he’s also a huge atheist and is going to hell, so avoid seamuss at all costs, or otherwise known as Seamouse
Hey did you talk to Seamus today?

No not yet
by Bigcockguy15 March 26, 2018
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a combination of waffle stomping and war crimes. also an extreme dendrophilia addict and prostitute
guy 1:hey look at that seamus over there

guy 2:holy shit run
by fortniteman256 October 30, 2019
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A caring guy with a big heart. He's also hot and doesn't cheat on women.
Seamus is such a good person.
by Relgiroth July 8, 2020
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What a pushover and a snowflake. He finds memes from the prehistoric era funny. Can't speak french but needs to boost

his ego by saying he's a high level in DELF. Plays TF2. I saw his discord profile not so long ago playing Fortnite. What a dipshit.
Seamus can't play Minecraft without tickspeed 30.
by SATAN HAIL SATAN November 6, 2019
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Boy: “Wow look at that clown
Boy #2: “No that’s just Seamus”
by dtwd October 8, 2019
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