A undertale character who is very hench and can easily kill you. Sans can also give you a BAD time.
Sans hench boi
by A living human? March 16, 2020
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The best undertale punny skellington that pisses off papyrus
Sans : It's a beautiful day outside, birds are singing flowers are blooming. On days like this kids like you....
by Infochan March 25, 2016
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A fictional character who is a skeleton from the rpg game,Undertale.
His appearance is a skeleton with a short stature who has a wide smile.

He also wears a white t-shirt with a blue hoodie, and black shorts with white stripes and a pair of slippers.
Even though Sans only deals one damage in the game, if you get hit by one of his attacks, it gives you a 'poison' effect.
Sans is one of my favorite Undertale characters!
by London England♥︎ August 1, 2017
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A character from the game Undertale who has oceans of fan girls ruining his character and who tells puns, eats ketchup, and hes the "fan favorite". He has a brother named Papyrus.
Sans told a pun to Papyrus and he got pissed off.
Sans gave Frisk a bad time.
by apersonthatyouwontlike April 18, 2017
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