A great song by James Taylor

Oh, Mexico
It sounds so sweet with the sun sinking low
Moons so bright like to light up the night
Make everything all right
Dude 1 :Dude did you just hear james taylor sing mexico?
Dude 2 :yeah man lets go to mexico!!!11!2
by 82137182jsahdkjashd218 April 20, 2007
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God: Jimmy, you took two lives while you lived in my earth, but I see you have redeemed for your actions. Maybe a few century's in Mexico will earn you a space in my kingdom.

Jimmy: I guess i had that coming.........
by JimmyS May 15, 2007
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See California, Arizona, Texas, New Mexico
Person A: I drove myself over to Bakersfield the other day.
Person B: Is that down by the California-Mexico border?
Person A: No, it's actually been within Mexican territory since 1992.
Person B: Oh, that's right!
by Jerry Cherry Garcia November 7, 2007
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Home of the tapeworm.
I went to mexico and all I got was this 40 foot tapeworm coming out my anus.
by Jihad Royale April 4, 2008
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A great country if you want to visit your family. But newcomers be warned, the cartel is bat shit crazy dawg, have you seen the videos? going out past 6 o clock is practically a death wish, because if you do, say goodbye to your money, arms, family, and rights. Mexico is a beautiful country and home to the best food in the world. I mean shit, we made chocolate and that should be enough proof. If you choose to go, be prepared to see random ass cows, horses and donkeys everywhere, as well as militia with guns, and roads made of dirt. 100/10 great country.
Lets go to mexico for christmas!
Lets get mexican food for dinner.
Lets get that pure powder from mexico if ya know what I mean.
by BlackSnow115 October 21, 2022
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A crime scene with its own flag.
Don’t go to Mexico—those people would kill you for yesterday’s newspaper.
by frick1 March 29, 2010
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