Girl of many speeches, talks aboput stuff for a long time and talks about it in a long way that takes a long time becase it never ends and sometimes i fall asleep for like two seconds and wake up and i forget what shes talking about so i gotta like act all smart and say something like indeed or it insisted upon itself to save my ass.
by Force Canadian September 18, 2008
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She's hot. She's the kinda of person everyone wants to be with and always think of when they want to have a fun time. A lot of people know her. She can be a bitch at times but is fun to party with. She is a very loyal friend and will be there to help someone, but she will always start the rumors.
Damn look at that girl over there, that must be lorrain.
by unk - own March 5, 2016
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An adjective, known to describe someone who repeatedly kicks ones dick.
He’s acting very Lorrainely lately.
by PleaseDontBan December 30, 2019
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She is pretty. Straight forward person. intelligent student. Protective sometimes. Loves music. She is also friendly. She always use her cellphone even in class. Her favorite subject is MAPEH.
Gay 1: HEEEYYYY!!!! That curly hair is prettyyyy!
Gay 2: Yeah! that's Lorraine
by #Cute #Amazing December 5, 2017
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Alcky, Blasts music from 2am onwards, Makes you sook her toe if she doesnt have a pound for the taxi, She drops it like its hot
Is that Lorraine drunk again?
Yes, Shes been at the club bar!
by Darrenith August 10, 2008
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A woman who requires anal sex on regular basis (normally no less than 4 times per week).
1. I'm a lucky guy- my girlfriend's a total Lorraine!
2. She hasn't been able to sit down ever since she became a total Lorraine!
by Posey n Justin August 19, 2007
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An dysfunctional, self-loving, retard.
Commonly mistaken for the household airhead.
see, the cause of Hurricanes
Wow, did you see the weather recently?!
Dude- Oh yeah, Lorraine is overdoing the gaseous excess that happens to excreet from her ear lobes.
Dude- Shes got air comming out of them
by Loooooooooisiana October 18, 2008
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