absolute fucking milf mith huge mother milkers
oh yh you knoe leytons mum shes a right fitty
by yuke massive hunt January 4, 2022
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He is a very attractive and nice funny boy that really likes this one girl but she doesnt like him back and I like him but Ik he doesnt like me and he would be such a great boyfriend and loves taro boba
Leyton Hennessy is a very smart kid who loves ronaldo and ryan reynolds
by Leyton Hennessy March 21, 2023
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This college is for all the dead tings in east London + all the slags. it’s full of set 8s eho open their pussy for every mandem they see!!
by shush don’t worry November 28, 2021
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1: Insurance fraud committed by means of arson. Refers to a fire touched off by a putative lightning strike within the precincts of Leyton, a neighbourhood of east London with a reputation as a centre of urban deprivation. Perhaps coined by Linda Smith, English stand up comedienne.

2: Italian business insurance.
Egon Ronay: “Nobody ever went to that fine Italian restaurant on the high street because it was next door to a funeral home. I hear that last week the place burned down.”

Linda Smith: “Must have been a case of Leyton lightning.”
by 2x Talk August 25, 2010
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Leyton is an allergy kid.He has no friends.No one loves him.He is copper in rainbow six siege and has a negative kd.Leyton is a b word.
by lol u died July 8, 2022
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Leyton is a posh mutual area located in east london, the postcode is E10.
The Area is European Dominated and has 2 main gangs,
Northside - ( Lea Bridge , North Leyton , Leyton Grange ) - E10 6 / E10 7

Southside - ( Leyton , Leyton Mills , Leyton Orient , Leyton Spitafields ) - E10 5
Its Brother is Leytonstone.
Boy 1 : Ayo who is coming Leyton Mills with me'
Boy 2 : Cool i will come, but we gotta be carefull for those gangs
Boy 1 : Snm
by monkeypills December 5, 2021
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