A county in South-East England, it's quite nice but there are lots of Chavs in this wherabouts.
But most normal people here would like to stick thier heads on a spike.
Chav: Innit' bruv, Chantelle and me got so trolleyedddd innnttiiit?!
Normal Kent person:
Chantelle and me?, I think you'll find it's Chantelle and I, also "Innit"?
by Iamasnail June 24, 2011
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A guy who always ends up the supervisor at every job he gets.
Our company could use a Kent. We need more sons a bitches that’s gonna shit on anyone to get to the top.
by Bignigfigsquid December 19, 2019
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Person 1: Who put their dick in the snow?
Person 2: Oh yeah, that was Kent
by PATSwizzle March 3, 2017
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Kent is a person with a good personality, he can bring a smile to anyone. You can't keep a straight face when he smiles, Kent is the most kindest person I've met
Kent has a bright smile
by Unknown6673 March 26, 2019
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a word used to exhibit a dramatic thought or action
the new Harry Potter is out" "Holy KENT!
by Levi Strauss June 1, 2011
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A male with a big butt that mates during the winter
I saw the Kent cross the street during the winter and it was going towards its gay lover
by bg43 February 21, 2017
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