Honestly, anyone with the name Jena has HELLA game, can look good in literally anything, then shortly after gracing people with their presence, the crowd of people fall to the floor sobbing due to the sparkling everlasting beauty she emits from that face that shines brighter than a diamond. You think you’re great? Not as great as Jena. You think you can make croissants as buttery as the most famous French baker in the world? Think again. It’s only Jena. Can you end world hunger? No, Jena already did that by baking an entire continent a years worth of delicious confectioneries. Never try to compare to a Jena; you’ll never accomplish that type of greatness.
“Wow, Jena has a FAT dump truck and literally ended world hunger in one day!”

“I tried to become a Jena, but I should have listened to my family telling me I couldn’t.”

“That girl is a straight up Jena, if I’ve ever seen one.”

“Did you hear about the Jena incident? She removed her facemask before going down a rollercoaster at Busch Gardens yesterday, and unintentionally blinded an entire school of young children. They just weren’t ready for that type of beauty”
by Hollydoesthejitter September 24, 2021
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Jena is a crazy party girl. She likes getting drunk and high whenever she can. They usually go for guys named Tyler. This name can also refer to as slut.
You sleep with so many guys, stop being such a Jena.
by Ihaveabigsquiggle June 22, 2011
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Someone who fails at many tasks even the simplest of ones.
"Barry you complete jenas i only asked you to go buy milk not a cow!"
by SergioRamos August 31, 2008
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An excuse for the greatest perpetrators of civil rights and racist to rally behind a group of six people, albeit criminals to further their goals of gaining more free government handouts, sympathy, and destroying freedom by instituting mandatory politically correct behavior and speech.

The "Jena 6" Refers to six African American high school students who ganged up beat the shit out of a white kid, knocking him unconscious and putting him in the hospital. Famous black civil rights activist Such as Rev. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson have rallied behind the black attackers saying they were racially oppressed and their behavior was excusable.
Can you believe the hypocritical black community choses to rally behind the Jena 6?
by Pancakes of Mass Deliciousness September 30, 2007
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6 16-17yr. olds who were charged with aggravated assault after jumping a kid and beating him unconscious. Then, they kicked him in the head while his lifeless body lay on the concrete.

Since the attackers were black and the victim was white, some people came up with the stupid idea to free the attackers (The Jena 6).
Joe: "Free the Jena 6, man!"

Bob: "But they almost killed a defenseless kid."

Joe: "But they're black, so their charges stem from racism!"

Bob: "You're stupid."
by The Truth Shall Set You Free September 17, 2007
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Louisiana highschool students who became heroes in the lower ranks of African-American society for gang-stomping an unconcious racist student. These are likey the same people who cheered when O.J. Simpson got off, apparently believing that anyone who has been the subject of discrimination is entitled to commit vicious acts of violence against others.
“My son is innocent. This is a disgrace and it only manifested the racism that has always existed in this town and this country. They are attacking our young Black males so we have to fight."
Jena 6 mom.
by Pervis January 15, 2008
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When your girl cums all over you, licks it off and gives you the dirtiest, sloppier, best blow job of your life.
My girl gave me the dirty Jena, I think I'm in love.
by Gingerlily May 17, 2019
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