A male version of cougar - a man who constantly dates women at least 20 years his junior. A predator who feeds on the young.
Donald Trump is such a jackal.
by Marissa Dee July 30, 2008
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Noun - highly evolved male, capable of maintaining the attention of several young (naive) women at any one time, whilst drinking the worst cheap vodka imported from Kazagstan, and exchanging hiiiigh fiiiives with fellow jackals.

verb - To jackal, to seduce numerous young females in any one evening, giving them all the impression you are the "one".

Also see Fresh and Blapse,
Song - For hes a jolly good jackaaal!
- Jack`al jack`aaal jackal!
- I'm jackal till i die...

See guys in White/Black at Red Cube, Roadhouse and the elite at Batchwoods!
by The jackal July 8, 2003
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A person who is able to find things when no one else is able to find them. A scavenger in the truest sense of the word that usually attacks in pairs. This came from the tradition that the jackal will sometimes lead a lion to its prey.

Oppositely, the term can also be used in a negative connotation to describe someone who relentlessly asks you for something that is in your possession and takes it without offering anything in return.
Example 1:

Person #1: Do you have any blow?
Person #2: No man I couldn't find any. Let's call Jason, he's a jackal, he'll know where we can get some.

Example 2:
Person #1 walks into party
Jason: Hey man you got any blow I can have?
Person #1: Get away from me you fucking Jackal I just got here.
by anonymous9999999919 January 13, 2010
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Derived from a man in South Philly who lived in the neighborhood but nobody knew him and he always looked like he was up to something. Neighbors would refer to him as the Jackal. The term Jackal was then coined and can be meant to explain someone that is always up to no good.
"Oh shit, Johnny lock that door the Jackal is on the block."

"Where did the Jackal come from? I always knew of him but dont know nothing about him."
by The Real Jackal August 25, 2011
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An older man that only has eyes for younger women, in an attempt to prove he's not ageing.
He's such a jackal, always chasing after Pumas.
by SScott February 24, 2008
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The oldest and ugliest Cougars who still try to recruit younger men at clubs. A Jackal is better suited at a dive bar where the men have lowered or no standards. A Jackal will swoop in to scavange a Cougars leftovers.
It's geting late.It doesn't look like I'm gonna bag a Cougar tonight. And it looks like the Jackals are starting to swarm. Man, I'm gonna need another drink.
by aldeshsa May 13, 2009
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I was was writing an email and decided that what I was writing was jacked up...so to make a new word I called it jackalated. Fucked up!
I was tryin' to type this shit and it all got jackalated.
by SMYLTF March 9, 2010
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