A first-year student of high school or college. However, this term is usually used to refer to a freshman of high school. They are considered unworthy by some upperclassmen(usually these people are morons). Freshmen usually stick together in groups and start to mature. However, some freshmen are imbeciles who are sex-obsessed, immature, or just plain stupid. Some of they stay that way for the next three years in high school or even become jocks.
Sophomore 1: Hey, it's a freshman. Let's go jump him.

Junior: Why?

Sophomore 1: Uhh...I dunno.

Junior: Moron...
by King of Inland June 11, 2007
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it is when freshmen hang out with seniors who talk about senioritis, and they believe they have any reason to be sick of high school.
senior-omg only 3 1/2 more months of this crap!
freshman-what's the matter?
senior-i have senioritis.
freshman-i'm so sick of school. i have freshmanitis
(senior procedes to beat freshman)
by sick of underclassmen March 24, 2009
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A 9th grader who is scared shitless during the first week of High school because they were the tallest, smartest, most tallented, rulers of their school just 3 months before, and are now skinny little runts who tend to get jumped and shoved into trash cans or lockers.
Usually freshmen are treated like vermin for 183 days of the first year in their high school career unless they have an overprotective boyfriend or brother in an upper class or magically make it onto a varsity sports team, cheer squad, or do color guard.
guy 1: Dude look! I found a little pack of freshmen, lets jump em!
guy 2: Isn't that freshman Jake's girlfriend? I wouldn't mess with her or any of her friends if I were you.
guy 1: No way! Thanks for telling me, I would have been so fucked!
by outspoken royalty July 11, 2008
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The student who receives it from the upper grade. What I mean by that is that freshman tend to get beaten up more thrown in the back of the lunch line in preparation for senior authority. The freshman generally tend to rely on their older friends so that if older kid comes to kick their ass then they can stick up for them.
Thank God Im no longer a freshman. Im a sophomore.
by One little hellian October 3, 2017
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The now politically-incorrect term for a first year student.
My college refers to freshmen as "first year students" but still uses sophomore, junior and senior. One of my professors listed it as "freshperson" on a survey. I have also seen "freshman/woman" used as well.
by Dassh August 26, 2004
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You have no freedom or fun, no license, no one texts you & you often contemplate suicide
The freshman wasn't invited to any parties and spent her night at home alone.
by rdawgdizzle June 28, 2011
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a first-year high school student, that is more often than not looked down on because of their grade. Upperclassmen never give them the respect they deserve, even if they are just a big of a loser. they dont get the respect they deserve, and people will talk crap about them just because they are freshmen. Freshmen year matures people, and not all freshmen are stupid or immature, upperclassmen just assume that they are. (even though most of the time the freshmen rule the school, ha. stupid juniors)They are also refered to as the lowest of the low, and Fish. Too bad people actaully care about the freshmen and they are known to stick together as a class and stand up for each other, not half as bad as people make them out to be.
WOW that girl is hott for a freshman.
Everyone hates the freshmen at our school for no reason.
by aka ♥ March 27, 2007
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