To get screwed over by someone with a tiny penis similar to that of a baby.
You've been Baby Dicked.
by CAUDILL March 26, 2007
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"this is man's game, your just a boy. You got that baby dick. It's not my fault you piss on your balls"
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When a boy thinks he has a big dick but he has a very very small one!
I heard that boy Martyf had a 1" baby dick.
by John Bloggs June 27, 2006
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urban slang for any individual of the male population equipped with a sub-par talliwhacker
by Dusten Keith April 19, 2005
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when the penis is smaller than the ball sac. It is if the penis never grew from when he was born but the ball sac did.
Small penis, big sac.
Girl 1: OMG, last night I was going down on Mike for the first time but I had to stop before it even began.
Girl 2: Why is that?
Girl 1: He's got a baby dick no bigger than a jolly rancher.
Girl 2: Oh, that shit is tiny!!!
by Savage J October 11, 2007
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A small penis, no character, lacks substance, unable to pleasure a woman. Known to engage in homo sexual activity and are chronic punk ass bitches who whine and cry in public.
That baby dick punk don't know how to hustle or make a woman feel like pleasure.
by February 27, 2022
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(adj.) meaning ur dick and nuts put together wouldnt equal the size of a peanut.
by fucker February 11, 2003
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