The world's shittest place, only claim to fame is being next to Nottingham (The worlds best city) and having the team that got the lowest amount of points in a premier league season.

People residing in Derby (I.e London=Londoners) are known as sheep shaggers.

Also an extremely offensive word that isnt aloud to be said on British Television before the 9pm watershed, the bbc where fined a record amount after it was said on a live show.

Derby is also used as an alternative word to beastiality, particularly sheep/human beastiality.
"Lets go to Derby"
"Fuck that I would rather stick my testicles/tits in a blender"


"Your teams doing a bit of a derby"
"How dare you"

"Err I saw your mum doing derby with your dog"
"Im gonna knock you the fuck out"
by Robin Hoodie March 6, 2008
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A sarcastic way of saying "cool." Also used to make fun of something/someone in a disguised way among friends.
Chris: Look at my new tight pants I got at Hot Topic.
Josh: Those are so derby dude!
by creegs March 27, 2009
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an adjective meaning crunk, sweet, or awesome
Mackey: so i saw that girl's tits yesterday
Veiga: oh yea, how were they?
Mackey: they were so derby
by yick a tee October 18, 2006
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A city so shit that they can only define themselves as being obsessed with sheep and hating Nottingham.
A- I went to Derby yesterday.
B- How was it?
A- Never. Going. Back.
by EllaB_ July 4, 2009
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Did you hear what happened to Bob? while trying to conceal a pistol down the front of his pants he accidently blew off his derby. What a shame.
by alfred q walrustitty April 10, 2007
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the wankest city in england an full of imigrants
hey im from derby" " so ur from afgan then?
by imnotfromderbymate December 6, 2010
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